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Amend GI™

Amend GI™

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Amend GI™ is a nutraceutical that can be used when a flair-up of stress causes ulcer symptoms or a long-term use of an NSAID is required. It offers fast relief of the pain and symptoms associated with ulcers.


  • C. asiatica extract
  • CM Chitosan
  • Beta Carotene 20% (Vitamin A)
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Adults typically take one capsule per day. If needed, take one capsule twice daily.

How It Works

When the stomach lining is compromised, no one can ignore the accompanying pain and discomfort. Alexsyn’s Amend GI™ offers a unique and natural ulcer solution. By stimulating collagen and fibronectin production, the ulcer is able to heal while reestablishing the balance of acid and mucus.

C. asiatica belongs to a plant family native to Asia and parts of Africa that has the ability to increase collagen production by local contact. This increased collagen production rebuilds the mucosal layer in the stomach lining enabling cells to migrate and repair the wound.

Chitosan is an ingredient commonly used to promote blood clotting in wounds and in burn dressing. β-carotene and vitamin C play strong supporting roles in the healing process. β-carotene helps to increase wound strength by increasing the rate of re-epithelialization and restoring epithelial structure. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect against cell damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The only way to be certain if you have an ulcer is to be examined by a doctor. Your doctor may take X-rays or perform an endoscopy by inserting a scope down your throat and into your stomach and small intestine.

Absolutely not. Amend GI™ is an all-natural supplement that will only benefit your digestive system, even if you don’t suffer from ulcers. If you think you may have an ulcer but haven’t been diagnosed, taking Amend GI™ will have no negative side effects.

A peptic ulcer and a stomach ulcer are two different names for the exact same thing.

Ulcers can feel different to different people depending on the severity and location of the ulcer. People may experience heartburn, indigestion, nausea, excessive gas, vomiting, abdominal discomfort or fatigue. Some patients report a dull burning sensation in their upper abdomen or even chest pain.

Learn more about the science behind Amend GI™ here.

We recommend taking Amend GI™ for as long as you need it. Some people can take it on an as needed basis when symptoms occur and some will need to take it every day. Everyone is different and no one knows your body better than you!

Amend GI™ is an all-natural, over the counter supplement and is not a drug. It doesn’t just treat the pain, it treats the cause and helps your body function the way it’s meant to function.

Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPIs) are prescription drugs that reduce the amount of stomach acid made by glands in the lining of your stomach. This is what is most commonly prescribed for the treatment of ulcers.

PPIs have many negative side effects. Among them are an increased risk of kidney disease, osteoporosis, low magnesium or vitamin B12 in the blood, pneumonia, and stroke. Studies have also shown a potential link between PPI use and a higher likelihood of dementia.

To put it simply, we have acid in the lining of our stomach for a reason. Stomach acid helps our body absorb nutrients from our food and is a good thing. If we “inhibit” the production of that acid, how will our body get the necessary nutrients it needs to feed our bones, brain and other systems? It’s only logical that extended PPI use will cause problems in our bodies.

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