They say doctors make the worst patients…

Faithful to the adage, Dr. Edwin Simpson, is one such. 

Of course, as the saying suggests, there often exists among professionals a somewhat friendly rivalry.  Couple that notion with the “look behind the curtain” only experienced by those in medicine.  Now, take this potent mix of boldness and skepticism on Dr. Simpson’s part, (plus a nagging sense that the cure is still too often worse than the disease) and you’ll understand how Alexsyn came to be.

By taking his own advice (in a follow-your-heart kind of way), Dr. Simpson recently moved to his home state of Arkansas to set up shop.  It so happened on a particularly fine summer morning, in the sleepy town of Ida, that Alexsyn opened its doors.

Not-so-silent Rebellion

In founding Alexsyn, a health supplement company, Dr. Simpson now joins the growing, not-so-silent rebellion against some of the ill-considered and potentially dangerous approaches to patient care in Western medicine today.As Edwin “Ted” Simpson says, “There can be an arrogance in medicine—like using drugs to treat a small piece of the puzzle like it’s the complete picture— by failing to consider the whole patient.” Dr. Simpson further cites the high costs associated with the discovery and production of pharmaceuticals, explaining, “Drug companies have to make enormous sales to pay back the development of a certain drug, which then prevents a number of other drugs, maybe better, or safer, from further advancement into medicine.”

In an ardent search for solutions to these and other ongoing problems vexing healthcare, Dr. Simpson put his background in biochemistry to work by formulating blends of synergistic endogenous and herbal ingredients to create Alexsyn supplements.

Alexsyn supplements are made to address common health concerns and chronic ailments that can plague any one of us, regardless of age, sex, or general health status.

Alexsyn’s unique health supplements are not pharmaceuticals, but are instead premium, all-natural alternatives to drugs.Safe and effective Alexsyn products may be used alone or in conjunction with your prescription medications.

The Alexsyn Solution

It is our great honor to develop revolutionary supplements to protect and defend your good health.

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It’s all in the name…


     Superior Health Solutions


The surname Alexander means “Protector or defender of men.”

Alexander is made up of the words Alexin, a Greek name, meaning “To defend” and Andros, “Man.”


Synergy, synergism

The interaction of two or more substances that when combined produce an effect greater than the sum of their parts.